OnBoardXR Season 4: ‘Port of Registry’
Applicants, Designers, Animations, Mozilla Festival, Portals
Production & Sponsors
The Jigsaw Ensemble and Active Replica explored a more formal partnership to produce the event with Active Replica providing a fiscal sponsorship to absorb approved overhead costs. Michael Morran returned as Techincal Director and Stage Manager to ‘productize’ all the features developed for Non-Player Character
. Several independent designers volunteered “office hours” to elevate and optimize the visuals of the prototypes submitted via an open-submission process and leading to almost double the number of applicants.
Artistic Director: BRENDAN BRADLEY
Technical Director: MICHAEL MORRAN
Unwanted Waters: Rite of Passage
Dean Green Kraken Machine
Jazz Organ
Below The Barracks And Above The Sea
Here and There
NPC: ‘Enough’
Cue System
Reception & Analysis
This was a shorter run than other seasons, but we had increased page views from Eventbrite (compared to prior) and we also continued to see an increase in the average donation per ticket! Remarkable to see the standalone headset
market bringing almost 52% of our audience, while a healthy 3% on phone/tablet! We engaged and worked with a marketing company, however still saw the largest ticket conversion from personal social media. Despite presenting in the virtual campus of Mozilla’s techincal conference, over 22% of attendees still reported OnBoardXR as their first ever virtual reality or live virtual reality experience.
The real surprise was the generosity of our audience, averaging $15.33 per ticket and over half paying more than twenty dollars with four paying over $50! Ironically, the expansion of our audience and creators did see a constriction of our community with participants becoming less inclined to attend office hours or share incomplete developments. Future efforst hope to find a balance whereby more polished presenations can still foster the punk rock ethos of our early seasons.